Mary knew that was a special dayMary knew that was a special day.
She realised it in the early morning, when she was having breakfast. She looked up to the window and, stunned, saw tender curles of white snow flying like feathers from an angel's wing.
The first snow wasn't something special for her. But there was something unbelievably magical in this gentle flow of white sparkles.
She emerged into her cup of hot tea, with a dreamy look over the cup ridge.
Mary had always been the best student in her class, although it didn't bring her any kind of satisfaction or happines.
But that was a special day. No way, she would not ley it be spent in a boring classroom.
On the half-way to school she turned over and asked herself, where to go, eyes closed. "Water" - her heart said. And she headed to a small but fierce river in the forest at te west end of the town.
Passing through the straight rows of houses, she didn't hear anything except the sound of her steps in silence. Dark windows under the snow-covered roofs seemed to be lonely and wathing after you.
Mary reached the forest edge and slowed down the pace. It was much darker there because the gloomy sky didn't let any ray of light reach the earth under the trees. She followed the call of her heart.
Soon she heared the noise of the stream, coming closer. And she rushed to the light ahead to come out to a rock above the stream. She kneeled and looked down into the deep water.
And what she saw was not a dull smooth and black lazy liquid, but magic. All these sparkling snow, touching the surface of the river, turned into brilliant pieces of ice. All seemed to be incrusted with sophisticated jewels. It shined and burned in the misty light.
How could it happen? It was against nature. But she couldn't help staring down, helpless to explain or to move.
She kept staring for a long time until she felt she was not alone here. She turned her head right and saw a young man, sitting on the rock next to hers.
Mary suddenly understood she had never been in love. Yet.
— I knew that would be a special day,- the stranger smiled.
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